Increased Landfill Tipping Fees To Be Considered During Budget

During Monday’s Executive Committee meeting finance director Brian Acker introduced the City of Moose Jaw budget for 2024.

Acker read highlights from the budget.

One of the highlights were the landfill tipping fees. Tipping fees are what the City charges residents and commercial businesses to haul and dump garbage at the landfill.

“They (landfill tipping fees) haven’t been increased for a number of years and we have fallen behind a number of cities,” he pointed out saying they are 2024 budget consideration.

The ever growing Moose Jaw landfill has AFFECTIONATEly become known as Mount Trashmore due to its ever increasing height - MJ Independent photo

“I think Mr Acker mentioned our fees having kept pace with other jurisdictions. And we know across the country, in fact across the world if people will truck garbage a long way to save some money,” Mayor Clive said about the issue during the post Council presser.

“I think it’s essential we keep our fees competitive at the same time not try to gouge anybody but just be competitive with the other jurisdictions, so we don’t get outside garbage coming to our landfill,” Mayor Tolley said.

How much shipping fees go up, if any at all, will be discussed and decided by Council during the upcoming budget deliberations.

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