SGI Sets Vehicle Noise Policy And Enforcement Standards

By Robert Thomas

If you have a loud vehicle SGI has something you might want to hear.

Under a new policy SGI has established new provincial policy when it comes to noise from light duty vehicles - cars, motorcycles, pick up trucks, minivans, and SUVS - the loudest these vehicles can be is 101.3 decibels.

“This policy introduces an objective standard, so motorists know if their vehicle is louder than what’s reasonable,” JP Cullen, COO of the Saskatchewan Auto Fund said in a statement.

“It draws a line in the sand for residents, motorists and law enforcement to determine how loud is too loud for vehicle,” Cullen said.

Comparative Decibel Level Chart - source Yale University

To help determine the decibel levels of vehicles SGI has adapted a standardized testing procedure to measure vehicle noise.

In the coming weeks, SGI will work with SGI-certified light vehicle and motorcycle inspection stations to provide them with equipment and training so they’re ready to test vehicles for noise. Saskatoon and Regina light vehicle and motorcycle inspection stations will be the first to receive the testing equipment and training.

Once those inspection stations are up and running local enforcement agencies will be able to have vehicles submitted for noise tests.

After Saskatoon and Regina are operating, the program will expand across the province.

Vehicle owners in Saskatchewan will also have the opportunity to test out their vehicles – consequence free later this month.

“SGI is hosting free educational days,” said Cullen. “It’s a great opportunity for the public to come out and speak with SGI about the policy and find out what they can expect from law enforcement when it comes to excessively noisy vehicles.”

The noise testing educational events will happen on June 17 in Regina and June 24 in Saskatoon. Vehicle owners can book an appointment for a noise test on either of those days by callingVehicle Standards and Inspections at 1-800-667-8015 ext.6188 in advance.

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