Letter To The Editor - Go Ef Yourself

Dear Editor:

Hi there Robert,
I want you to know that I have previously enjoyed reading your independent coverage of local news in Moose Jaw.

With that said I must say I was very disappointed in your journalistic professionalism by making the derogatory reference to critical thinkers as "conspiracy theorists".

In this case the appropriate "c word" to refer to you is CUNT, you are a little cunt.

I've seen you around town and you can bet if I see you again I'll be screaming into your face for you to bend over for another booster you stunned tax cattle.

You need to understand that there has been an immense amount of human suffering perpetrated by the criminals who foisted an unnecessary but very profitable fleece job on the rubes.

I have a family member as well as a close friend that have been injured by these medical products.

You really are revealing your level of intellect by attempting to put others down as conspiracy theorists.

Now put your face panties on and cower in fear you pathetic COWARD.

Would you look at that, another "c word".

Go fuck yourself CUNT.

Name Withheld

Editor’s Note - as an aside MJ Independent is also on the other sides hate list.

On a personal note the mandates did in fact negatively impact my life and because of them my grandmother - who raised me - endured dementia and Alzheimer’s with no family allowed to visit.

Due to Extendicare policy on the night my grandmother died she died alone.

moose jaw