Editorial - The Loss Of Mayberry

Today’s Editorial Opinion/Commentary

There are a couple of big questions on the minds of many people in the community and that is what has happened to Moose Jaw?

And what is wrong with the Downtown?

And why has Moose Jaw almost over night become so violent?

Believe it or not despite the rapid spike in violence in Moose Jaw the city is still relatively safe.

And yes we at MJ Independent are well aware that yesterday there was an individual swinging a pipe for no apparent reason in the Downtown during business hours.

With that said Monday afternoon wasn’t the biggest selling point for tourism and Downtown business as five police vehicles and two fire department vehicles converged on the City’s now most infamous address - photos below.

Yes, the real problems - like so many other cities - are in the Downtown.

Residents - including the ones living in the Stadacona Apartments - need to know Moose Jaw is safe and the rapid proliferation of ever increasing serious street drugs and the associated problems are in decline.

Not in the ascendancy.

Whether you live in Iron Bridge or under the bridge everyone in Moose Jaw should have a feeling of safety.

A feeling that is sadly rapidly leaving the community.

We need a return to Mayberry and not the Dismayberry the city is seemingly falling into.

Last week’s machete attack is shocking and much more than a wake-up call. It’s the loss of innocence for Moose Jaw.

The demands of cleaning up the problem and healing the city now seem allusive if ever achievable at all in the minds of many residents.

Fixing the problem is not going to be an easy one.

It took time to get here and it is going to take a lot of time and effort to get back to where things once were.

Mental illness, drug addiction, homelessness, economic uncertainty and lack of resources are hitting hard.

Some call for a velvet glove and a soft approach to solving the problem.

While others have told us they are hopeful the problem simply and literally dies off.

Harsh words in a city once known as friendly.

Whatever the solution is here is hoping the complex solution is found - and soon.

moose jaw